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Lea-Anne Ellison, 35, sparked an online firestorm after pictures of the 8 1/2-month pregnant mom lifting weights were posted on Facebook.

“8 months pregnant with baby number 3 and CrossFit has been my sanity,” Ellison wrote in the caption. “I have been CrossFitting for 2 1/2 years and...strongly believe that
pregnancy is not an illness, but a time to relish in your body’s capabilities to kick Bottom.”

But a slew of commenters posted angry greivances on the picture — which boasted more than 16,000 likes and almost 3,000 shares by Friday morning.

“If anything happens to your baby due to your stupidity, I hope you’ll be able to handle your guilt,”
another person wrote. “Pregnancy is NOT the time to be taking silly risks.”

“This is actually sickening, I hope pregnant around the world do not do this kind of crap,” one woman wrote. “I am a crossfit enthusiast but I DO NOT recommend this at all.”

The person continued by claiming the image gives “people the wrong message that this is OKAY when it’s not!!!!”

Ellison — the mother of an 8-year-old boy and a 12-year-old daughter — said she trains to maintain her 'HOT mom' image.

“The key is listening to your body! As a medical professional, I find it appalling the number of people who treat pregnancy as an illness,” another woman wrote. “Multiple studies have shown that you can continue to safely workout, including lifting weights as long as you did it pre-pregnancy!!”

According to the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 30 minutes or more of exercise a day is recommended so long as there are no medical or obstetric complications.

Scores of commenters were angered by the photos, but several supporters claim regular exercise is good for pregnant women.

“Thank you to all who posted and continue to post positive, supportive comments regarding my photo,” she wrote. “I had NO IDEA what a stir this would create....It makes me feel proud and loved and STRONGER!!!!”

Over to our medical professional, is it recommended? Is it healthy

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