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 The victims of the Boko Haram atrocities may have had their hope dashed as President Jonathan yesterday said that the Federal Government will not pay compensation to them.

According to the President Jonathan he admitted that the his administration have not won the fight against terror, though there are progress made by the country’s security outfits.

Speaking while receiving the report from the Presidential Committee on Dialogue and Peaceful Resolution of Security Challenges in the North, a committee which is chaired by the Special Duties Minister, Alhaji Taminu Turaki.

Speaking further President Jonathan expressed his dissatisfaction at the rate of the severe hostility of the group, especially against innocent civilian population, that has given it name as the as the most deadly terror group in the world.

According to Jonathan, he also expressed hope that the committee’s recommendation would also help in curbing the immoderation of the sect’s member to a finish.

He however, ruled out compensation for victims of the Boko Haram group even as he added that his administration was sympathetically willing any submission that the committee has made in order to help the victims get back to normal life.

Commending the committee he said; “it’s not a ballroom dance because you were asked to meet the kind of characters you cannot predict their behaviour.

“It is quite risky and I believe that some of you, within this period, your immediate families believed that if they used to pray two times, they will be praying 10 times to make sure that God see you through. We are indeed very happy that within the period of this assignment, nothing quite untoward happened to any of you. We have to thank God for that.”

“We have to thank you for concluding, though we can’t say that we have won the war. But listening to the address by the chairman, we believe that the document you have submitted will help us with the follow-up action.”

“Finally, we will be able to bring the issue of the excesses of Boko Haram to a close. It is a challenging period for the country.”

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