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How can a girl be attracted to her own father??? As weird as this sounds, a teenage girl has revealed how she had oral sex with her biological father after she discovered he also had incestuous feelings for her.
According to Daily Mail, Natasha Rose Chenier, 24, from Vancouver, Canada, discovered her biological father ‘wanted to have sex with me from the first moment he laid eyes on me’ after they met for the first time when she was 19( because her father had a casual relationship with her mother when she was 19, which resulted in a pregnancy that brought about Natasha – the father soon disappeared before she was born).
According to her:
‘We had oral sex a few times, almost always preceded by my descending into a whirlwind of self-hate and disgust and dry heaving over the toilet in the bathroom attached to his room.’
Her father lived in Jamaica and she had been to visit him there a few times and spoke with him on the phone between visits – that was before she tracked him down as a teenager and arranged to meet him at a time when she was ‘lonely and angry at my mother’.
‘When I first met him in person I noticed that we even had the same posture, the same way of carrying ourselves in the world. I was intoxicated by our likeness, which I never shared with my mother, or with any siblings (I am an only child),’
She writes how she then started to be sexually attracted to him – and even started sleeping in his bed. She writes: ‘As well as shocked and horrified to realise it – I spoke of it to no one, least of all him. I hoped I would go home and the feeling would go away. But it didn’t. Instead, it grew.’
It was during her final visit to see him in 2009 when she was 21 that she ‘discovered our sexual attraction to be mutual’ and her father admitted to her that he had wanted to have sex with her ‘from the first moment I saw you.’
I was not only a victim of my father’s two-year seduction; I also felt a victim of my own sexual feelings
‘I imagine that, unless you have experienced genetic sexual attraction yourself, this is going to sound entirely unbelievable. But trust me: it is as real and intense as anything. The sexual feelings I had for my father felt like a dark spell that had been cast over me.
‘I was not only a victim of my father’s two-year seduction; I also felt a victim of my own sexual feelings. I felt ashamed of myself, and I had no one to talk to about it. I wasn’t equipped to understand or handle my feelings.’
After having oral sex on a number of occasions, Natasha said she then shut herself in a bedroom away from her father on her final night in Jamaica and he drove her to the airport the next day in silence.
Lord have mercy!!!

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